Guide on Timechain Node for Analog by Ravenode
Currently, registering to become a Time Node operator requires permission. To join, please fill out this form to be added to the waitlist.
Hardware Specifications
8 vCPUs (8 Cores)
16 GB
9944, 30303 TCP
500 MBps for Download / Upload
Update System
Install Prerequisites & Docker
Verify Docker Installation
You should see output like Docker version 26.1.4, build 5650f9b
Download Timechain Docker Image
Create Analog Directory
Run Timechain Node
Change YourMoniker to your node name
Check Node Logs
Example Output
Install Websocat
Verify Websocat Instalation
You should see output like websocat 1.13.0
Bond TANLOG And Setup Validator Account
Go to PolkadotJS
Create new stash account
Choose Stash account, then fill the amount to bond (Minimum 0.9 TANLOG)
Validators must have a minimum stash in their accounts (0.9 TANLOG)
Generate Session Key
Example Output:
Copy the
OutputBack to PolkadotJS
Click Set Session Key
Input the
Output beforeValidator created successfully
Check if your validator is on the telemetry
Backup Session Key save it to your text editor app for later use
Last updated