
Hardware Specifications


Single Core

500 MB

100 GB SSD

0.1 Mbps Upload/Downlaod

Run Light Node

curl -sL1 https://nubit.sh | bash

Copy & backup the Pubkey to verify on https://alpha.nubit.org/

Run Using Daemon Service

Create the service by running this command below:

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/nubit.service > /dev/null <<EOF                                                              
Description=Nubit Light Node



Enable & Start Service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable nubit
sudo systemctl start nubit

Check Node Logs

sudo journalctl -u nubit -f --no-hostname -o cat

Run Using Screen

Install the Screen package by running this command below:

sudo apt-get install screen

Verify Screen Installation

screen --version

Create Screen

screen -S nubit

Run Light Node

curl -sL1 https://nubit.sh | bash

Copy & backup the Pubkey to verify on https://alpha.nubit.org/

If you want to exit a screen session, simply press Ctrl + A followed by D.

If you want to reattach to a session, use this command below

screen -r nubit

Backup Generated Wallet Seed Phrase

cd nubit-node
sudo cat mnemonic.txt

Copy all 24 words and save them to your backup somewhere.

Import Existing Wallet to Node

Official guide: https://docs.nubit.org/nubit-da/interact-with-nubit-da/manage-keys

Set Environment

Navigate to the nubit-node directory

cd nubit-node

Set the path and environment variables. Set NODE_TYPE to full if you are running a full node. In this case, we are running a light client

export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/bin

List Keys

Use the following command to view your Nubit address list:

nkey list --p2p.network $NETWORK --node.type $NODE_TYPE

Import Using Mnemonic Phrase Into Nubit-Node

nkey add my_nubit_key --recover --keyring-backend test --node.type $NODE_TYPE --p2p.network $NETWORK

Enter your mnemonic phrase, when prompted with "Enter your bip39 mnemonic,"

Import Using Private Key Into Nubit-Node

Nubit-node also supports importing addresses using private key files. Refer to the following command, replacing my_nubit_key with the desired key name and ~/nubit-da/nubit-node/account1.private with the actual location of your private key file:

nkey import my_nubit_key ~/nubit-da/nubit-node/account1.private --keyring-backend test --node.type $NODE_TYPE --p2p.network $NETWORK

If you want to delete all your keys, run this command below:

rm -rf $HOME/.nubit-$NODE_TYPE*

If you want to delete specific keys, run this command below:

nkey delete (YOUR_KEY_NAME) --keyring-backend test --p2p.network $NETWORK --node.type $NODE_TYPE

Last updated