🖥️Update Timechain Node

If you are running Analog, check if your node is stuck at block height: 1,299,707

Download the snapshot

curl -O https://analog-public.s3.amazonaws.com/backup/testnet-backup.tar.gz

Pull the latest Analog Docker Image

docker pull analoglabs/timenode-test:latest

Stop the node

docker ps
docker stop CONTAINERID && docker rm CONTAINERID

Change CONTAINERID with your docker container id

Delete the old Analog node database folder

cd .analog
rm -rf ./chains/analogcc1/paritydb/full

Extract the snapshot file

Make sure you are in the /.analog path directory before running this command

tar -xvzf ~/testnet-backup.tar.gz -C .

Restart the node

docker run -d --name analog -p 9944:9944 -p 30303:30303 -v $(pwd)/.analog:/.analog analoglabs/timenode-test \
    --base-path /.analog \
    --rpc-external \
    --unsafe-rpc-external \
    --rpc-cors all \
    --name YourMoniker \
    --telemetry-url="wss://telemetry.analog.one/submit 9" \
    --rpc-methods Unsafe

Change YourMoniker to your node name

Check node logs

docker logs -f analog

If you see an error in the initial logs like below, just wait until it syncs normally again:

2024-07-16 05:14:01 panicked at /build/runtime/src/lib.rs:1050:1: Bad input data provided to validate_transaction: Codec error

Generate new session key and update it on the Analog Polkadot.js Portal

echo '{"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"author_rotateKeys","params":[]}' | websocat -n1 -B 99999999 ws://

Last updated