Hardware Specifications
6 or more physical CPU cores
Install Dependencies
Copy sudo apt -q update
sudo apt -qy install curl git jq lz4 build-essential
sudo apt -qy upgrade
Configure Moniker
Copy MONIKER="<your-node-name>"
Install GO
Copy sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
curl -Ls https://go.dev/dl/go1.22.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz | sudo tar -xzf - -C /usr/local
eval $(echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/golang.sh)
eval $(echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin' | tee -a $HOME/.profile)
Download and Build Binaries
Copy # Clone project repository
cd $HOME
rm -rf symphony
git clone https://github.com/Orchestra-Labs/symphony
cd symphony
git checkout v0.4.1
# Build binaries
make build
# Prepare binaries for Cosmovisor
mkdir -p $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
mv build/symphonyd $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/
rm -rf build
# Create application symlinks
sudo ln -s $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/genesis $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/current -f
sudo ln -s $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/current/bin/symphonyd /usr/local/bin/symphonyd -f
Install Cosmovisor and create daemon service
Copy # Download and install Cosmovisor
go install cosmossdk.io/tools/cosmovisor/cmd/[email protected]
# Create service
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/symphony.service > /dev/null << EOF
Description=symphony node service
ExecStart=$(which cosmovisor) run start
# Enable Service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable symphony.service
Initialize the node
Copy # Set node configuration
symphonyd config chain-id symphony-testnet-4
symphonyd config keyring-backend test
# Initialize the node
symphonyd init $MONIKER --chain-id symphony-testnet-4
# Download genesis and addrbook
curl -Ls https://snapshot.ravenode.xyz/symphony/genesis.json > $HOME/.symphonyd/config/genesis.json
curl -Ls https://snapshot.ravenode.xyz/symphony/addrbook.json > $HOME/.symphonyd/config/addrbook.json
# Add seeds
PEERS="$(curl -sS https://rpc.symphony.ravenode.xyz/net_info | jq -r '.result.peers[] | "\(.node_info.id)@\(.remote_ip):\(.node_info.listen_addr)"' | awk -F ':' '{print $1":"$(NF)}' | sed -z 's|\n|,|g;s|.$||')"
sed -i.bak -e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$PEERS\"/" $HOME/.symphonyd/config/config.toml
# Set minimum gas price
sed -i -e "s|^minimum-gas-prices *=.*|minimum-gas-prices = \"0note\"|" $HOME/.symphonyd/config/app.toml
# Set pruning
sed -i \
-e 's|^pruning *=.*|pruning = "custom"|' \
-e 's|^pruning-keep-recent *=.*|pruning-keep-recent = "100"|' \
-e 's|^pruning-keep-every *=.*|pruning-keep-every = "0"|' \
-e 's|^pruning-interval *=.*|pruning-interval = "19"|' \
Download Latest Snapshot & extract the file
Copy curl -L https://snapshot.ravenode.xyz/symphony/symphony-latest.tar.lz4 | tar -Ilz4 -xf - -C $HOME/.symphonyd
[[ -f $HOME/.symphonyd/data/upgrade-info.json ]] && cp $HOME/.symphonyd/data/upgrade-info.json $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/genesis/upgrade-info.json
Start Service & Check Node Logs
Copy sudo systemctl restart symphony.service && sudo journalctl -u symphony.service -f --no-hostname -o cat
Verify node's block height sync
Copy while true; do
local_height=$(symphonyd status 2>&1 | jq -r .sync_info.latest_block_height || echo "0")
network_height=$(curl -s https://rpc.symphony.ravenode.xyz/status | jq -r .result.sync_info.latest_block_height || echo "0")
blocks_left=$((network_height - local_height))
n_peers=$(curl -Ss localhost:26657/net_info | jq -r .result.n_peers || echo "0")
echo "Curr block: $local_height (blocks left: $blocks_left) | Peers: $n_peers"
sleep 3
Copy Curr block: 194935 (blocks left: 1) | Peers: 47
Curr block: 194936 (blocks left: 0) | Peers: 47
Curr block: 194937 (blocks left: 0) | Peers: 47
If you receive output like the above and "blocks left" is 0, it means the node is fully synced and has reached the latest block height. The node is now up to date with the blockchain and in sync with the other peers.
Spin Up Validator
1. Create a wallet
You have two options for that.
Copy symphonyd keys add wallet
Save the mnemonic output as this is the only way to recover your validator wallet in case you lose it!
Copy symphonyd keys add wallet --recover
To list your wallets use command below
2. Fund a wallet
To create a validator, you need to fund the previously created wallet using https://testnet.ping.pub/symphony/faucet
To check wallet balance use command below
Copy symphonyd q bank balances $(symphonyd keys show wallet -a)
3. Create Validator
Use the following command to get the your validator pubkey
Copy symphonyd tendermint show-validator
Create a validator.json
file inside /root/.symphonyd/
Copy nano /root/.symphonyd/validator.json
Copy the following command and paste it into the validator.json
Copy {
"pubkey": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
"key": "your_validator_pubkey"
"amount": "1000000note",
"moniker": "your-moniker-name",
"identity": "your-keybase-id",
"website": "your-website",
"details": "your-details",
"commission-rate": "0.05",
"commission-max-rate": "0.2",
"commission-max-change-rate": "0.01",
"min-self-delegation": "1"
Please make sure you have adjusted key, moniker , identity , details , website to match your values.
Run the create validator command:
Copy symphonyd tx staking create-validator $HOME/.symphonyd/validator.json \
--from=wallet \
--chain-id=symphony-testnet-4 \
--gas-adjustment 1.5 \
--gas-prices 0.025note \
--gas auto
Save the ~/.symphonyd/config/priv_validator_key.json file as this is the only way to recover your validator signing key in case you lose it!
Fill Validator Form
Once your node is synced and you've successfully created a validator, please fill out this form to receive additional faucet tokens for validator bonding: https://forms.gle/98ajH8wXCowVnGZi6
Join Symphony Discord and receive Validator role, submit your validator link and tag the team.
Last updated 3 months ago