🖥️Update Verifier

If you're running the Nillion Verifier, please update to the latest image version v1.0.1.

List Available Docker Container

docker images

Delete old Docker Images to free up disk space

docker rmi <image_id>

Pull the latest accuser Image

docker pull nillion/retailtoken-accuser:v1.0.1

Stop & remove the old container

docker ps
docker stop <containerid> && docker rm <containerid>

Change <containerid> with your docker container id

Restart the verifier

docker run -d -v ./nillion/accuser:/var/tmp nillion/retailtoken-accuser:v1.0.1 accuse --rpc-endpoint "https://testnet-nillion-rpc.lavenderfive.com/" --block-start 5040475

Adjust the --block-start value to the block height just before your registered verifier. To find this height, check the address you used to register your verifier on your connected Keplr wallet, then look up the transaction hash of type "Pay For" on the blockchain explorer to determine the block height where your verifier was registered

Check verifier logs

# List Available Docker Container
docker ps

# Display logs
docker logs -f <container-id>

# View and filter the logs
docker logs -f $(docker ps | grep nillion | awk '{print $NF}') --tail 100 | grep -E "Registered:|Secret"

Wait until it synchronizes with the current block height. Once it does, you should see if the status shows "Registered" as true.

If the issue occurs again, you can restart it by running this command:

docker ps -a | grep nillion | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I {} docker stop {} && \
docker ps -a | grep nillion | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I {} docker rm {} && \
LATEST_BLOCK=$(curl -s https://testnet-nillion-rpc.lavenderfive.com/status | jq -r .result.sync_info.latest_block_height) && \
docker run -d -v ./nillion/accuser:/var/tmp nillion/retailtoken-accuser:v1.0.1 accuse --rpc-endpoint "https://testnet-nillion-rpc.lavenderfive.com" --block-start "$LATEST_BLOCK" && \
docker logs -f $(docker ps | grep nillion | awk '{print $NF}')

Last updated