

1. install docker-compose & git 
2. Get Ethereum Sepolia WebSocket endpoint via Infura.io (https://app.infura.io/)
3. Get Ethereum Sepolia Faucet minimum <0.01 ETH (https://www.infura.io/faucet/sepolia)
4. EVM Compatible Wallet Address

Install docker-compose

  1. Download the Docker Compose binary into the /usr/local/bin directory:

sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/latest/download/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  1. Verify that Docker Compose is installed correctly:

docker-compose --version
  1. Apply executable permissions to the Docker Compose binary:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Install Git

sudo apt-get install git

Clone nwaku-compose repo

git clone https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku-compose.git

Navigate to nwaku-compose there is .env.example available for you as a template to use for providing the below values.

docker-compose will read the ./.env file from the filesystem. The process when working with .env files is to copy the .env.example, store it as .env and edit the values there by running the following command:

cp .env.example .env

Edit the .env value with your own data

vim .env
Insert the required data
ETH_CLIENT_ADDRESS=wss://sepolia.infura.io/ws/v3/<YOUR_ENDPOINT_KEY_HERE>  #RPC URL for accessing testnet via websockets.
ETH_TESTNET_KEY=<YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_HERE>  # Privatekey of testnet where you have sepolia ETH that would be staked into RLN contract (If you can't find one, export private key from your EVM wallet address)
RLN_RELAY_CRED_PASSWORD="<YOUR_CUSTOM_PASSWORD_HERE>" #Password you would like to use to protect your RLN membership

# Advanced (Optional)

Register RLN membership

This command will register your membership and store it in keystore/keystore.json. Note that if you just want to relay traffic (not publish), you don't need one.


Start the node

Start all processes: nwaku node, database and grafana for metrics. Your RLN membership is loaded into nwaku under the hood.

docker-compose up -d

Your nwaku node exposes a REST API to interact with it.

# get nwaku version

# get nwaku info

Publish a message to a contentTopic. Everyone subscribed to it will receive it. Note that payload is base64 encoded.

curl -X POST ""  
-H "content-type: application/json"  
-d '{"payload":"'$(echo -n "Hello Waku Network - from Anonymous User" | base64)'","contentTopic":"/my-app/2/chatroom-1/proto","timestamp":'$(date +%s%N)'}'

Get messages sent to a contentTopic. Note that any store node in the network is used to reply.

curl -X GET "" \
 -H "accept: application/json"

Grafana Node monitoring

Change in docker-compose.yml for and open the port 3000 in the remote machine where you're running your node.

After that you can access it at http://localhost:3000/d/yns_4vFVk/nwaku-monitoring for node metrics

Link to official docs : https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku-compose/blob/master/README.md

Last updated