
Hardware Specifications

CPURAMStorageNetwork Port

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz

32 GB (Recommended)

500 GB NVMe

30333 TCP

Any 4 vCPU Cores should run

4 GB (Minimum)

500 GB SSD

30333 TCP

Install Dependencies

sudo apt install --assume-yes git clang curl libssl-dev llvm libudev-dev make protobuf-compiler

Open Port

sudo ufw allow 22; sudo ufw allow 30333

Download Binary & Copy to /usr/bin

mkdir -p $HOME/.tangle
wget -O tangle https://github.com/webb-tools/tangle/releases/download/v0.6.1/tangle-testnet-linux-amd64 && chmod +x tangle
sudo cp tangle /usr/bin/

Create Daemon Service

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/tangle.service > /dev/null << EOF
Description=Tangle Validator Node
ExecStart=/usr/bin/tangle \
  --base-path $HOME/.tangle/data/validator/YourMoniker \
  --name YourName \
  --chain tangle-testnet \
  --auto-insert-keys \
  --node-key-file "/home/YourMoniker/node-key" \
  --port 30333 \
  --telemetry-url "wss://telemetry.polkadot.io/submit/ 0" \
  --validator \

Change all YourMoniker to your name

Start Tangle service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable tangle
sudo systemctl start tangle

Check logs

sudo journalctl -u tangle -f --no-hostname -o cat
  • Example Output

2024-02-23 22:44:16 🔍 Discovered new external address for our node: /ip4/
2024-02-23 22:44:20 ⚙️  Syncing, target=#605047 (6 peers), best: #384 (0x2039…5ae2), finalized #1 (0x26f1…77b1), ⬇ 119.0kiB/s ⬆ 14.0kiB/s
2024-02-23 22:44:25 ⚙️  Syncing 228.6 bps, target=#605048 (6 peers), best: #1531 (0xa961…fc3d), finalized #1024 (0x6121…001b), ⬇ 102.9kiB/s ⬆ 6.2kiB/s
2024-02-23 22:44:30 ⚙️  Syncing 230.9 bps, target=#605048 (6 peers), best: #2687 (0xdba9…e348), finalized #2560 (0x9890…58a1), ⬇ 79.9kiB/s ⬆ 6.4kiB/s
2024-02-23 22:44:35 ⚙️  Syncing 232.2 bps, target=#605049 (6 peers), best: #3848 (0xb3ed…a1f5), finalized #3584 (0xfc0f…e3d6), ⬇ 106.8kiB/s ⬆ 1.3kiB/s
2024-02-23 22:44:40 ⚙️  Syncing 253.9 bps, target=#605049 (6 peers), best: #5120 (0xf2d9…90f5), finalized #4608 (0xe3af…52bb), ⬇ 58.4kiB/s ⬆ 0.7kiB/s
2024-02-23 22:44:45 ⚙️  Syncing 229.2 bps, target=#605049 (7 peers), best: #6268 (0x7634…8a02), finalized #6144 (0x48ed…9043), ⬇ 81.6kiB/s ⬆ 0.9kiB/s
2024-02-23 22:44:50 ⚙️  Syncing 248.7 bps, target=#605049 (7 peers), best: #7514 (0x158c…7055), finalized #7168 (0xca31…eefe), ⬇ 79.5kiB/s ⬆ 1.2kiB/s
2024-02-23 22:44:55 ⚙️  Syncing 227.8 bps, target=#605050 (7 peers), best: #8653 (0xbcd3…3a40), finalized #8192 (0x97b3…033f), ⬇ 55.9kiB/s ⬆ 1.0kiB/s
2024-02-23 22:45:00 ⚙️  Syncing 215.0 bps, target=#605050 (7 peers), best: #9728 (0x3a6e…9b74), finalized #9216 (0xdc44…4e7f), ⬇ 96.1kiB/s ⬆ 0.8kiB/s
2024-02-23 22:45:05 ⚙️  Syncing 157.4 bps, target=#605051 (7 peers), best: #10515 (0xace8…997f), finalized #10240 (0xb608…0036), ⬇ 44.8kiB/s ⬆ 1.2kiB/s
2024-02-23 22:45:06 [10778] 💸 generated 22 npos targets

Bond TNT and setup validator Account

  • Create new account 1 for Stash and 1 for Controller

  • Choose Stash & Controller account, then fill the amount you want to stake

Generate Session Key

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "author_rotateKeys", "params":[]}' http://localhost:9944
  • Copy the 0x Output

  • Back to PolkadotJS

  • Click Set Session Key

  • Input the 0x Output before

  • Validator created successfully

  • Check if your validator is on the telemetry

If you want to delete Tangle service, run this command below:

sudo systemctl stop tangle
sudo systemctl disable tangle
rm -r /usr/bin/tangle
cd $HOME
rm -r .tangle

Last updated